Monday, May 25, 2009

I was just thinking..

That after As I want to completely immerse myself in film and literature, to lose myself in that world that has so much beauty. And then I want to explore Singapore to find quirky nooks and crannies that go unnoticed. I want to do so much. But that's 10 months later, and this is a whimsical thought. I guess it's bitterness before the sweet then. Delayed gratification. 

On a sidenote while I'm here, the weather is throwing tantrums. I woke up to unbelievably good weather in the morning to have it turn into some scorching humid sauna a few hours later. I have to turn the a/c on now, something I seldom do. But it's that unbearable. I open my door and a blast of hot, suffocating, dense air hits. Oh my): A few more days before the holiday comes and I can't say I'm looking forward to it.. It's study mania.